Thursday, September 14, 2006
Conversations With God: Book 3 by Neale Donald Walsch
In an earlier part of your history, you lived on this planet in a matriarchal society. Then there was a shift, and the patriarchy emerged. When you made that shift, you moved away from expressing your emotions. You labeled it "weak" to do so. It was during this period that males also invented the devil, and a masculine god.
Males invented the devil?
Yes. Satan was essentially a male invention. Ultimately, all of society went along with it, but the turning away from emotions, and the invention of an "Evil One," was part of a male rebellion against the matriarchy, a period in which women ruled over everything from their emotions. They held all governmental post, all religious positions of power, all places of influence in commerce, science, academia, healing.
Posted by Ru
Thursday, September 14, 2006
at Thursday, September 14, 2006 | Permalink
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