Monday, August 07, 2006
during interviews, i'm often asked what i think of the local T.V. news outlet's inevitable footage of "dykes on bikes" and "bearded drag queens" when depicting gay lifestyles.
whenever the question is posed, my ear always hears it as - don't you think it hurts the gay movement when straight people see only "dykes on bikes" and "bearded drag queens" in footage of the Pride Parade?
first of all, the footage is more indicative of the local T.V. news outlet than it is of everyday gay lifestyle, and the discerning viewer knows that. the media has to use images that grab the attention of viewers, and at the same time reinforce the ideology of their advertisers, who motivate consumers with the fear of not "fitting in".
secondly, this obsession with appearing to be straight and "normal" in order to miraculously change the way prejudice people feel about us is ridiculous. they have a vested interest in keeping the truth about real love at bay.
it is completely natural to follow your heart and explore all this world has to offer. it is against nature to confine yourself to a rigid set of unrealistic rules for the duration experience on this planet.
the gay rights movement will not advance by changing the minds of prejudice people. the gay rights movement will advance by changing the minds of gay people.
bearded drag dykes on bikes are magically delicious. power to the people.
Posted by Ru
Monday, August 07, 2006
at Monday, August 07, 2006 | Permalink
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