Sunday, August 13, 2006
i had only seen 2 episodes of "the comeback" when it was running on HBO. i just finished devouring the first (and only) season on dvd. i can't believe how brilliant it is. Lisa Kudrow is God.
i used to watch The Mike Douglas Show everyday after school. he had such a wide range of guests that i basically learned the history of show business from watching his talk show. on any given day, he would have Sarah Vaughn, Way Bandy, LaBelle, Red Skelton, Joe Frazier, The O'Jays and Cher as his co-host for the week. the first time i saw Blondie was on his show. if his show had continued, maybe today i wouldn't have to explain who the Pointer Sisters are to my twenty-something friends. thank you for the education, Mr. Douglas. you will be missed.
Poppychirpy didn't know that SHE recorded "Man/Woman" before i did. he sent me the link to her music video, which i had never seen. i fucking love it. SHE'S serving Atlanta's own Miss Lily White, circa 1982.
i couldn't find a photo of Lily White, but i did find this. enjoy!
Posted by Ru
Sunday, August 13, 2006
at Sunday, August 13, 2006 | Permalink
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