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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

a nickel for your thoughts

i went up to see Taz's fabulous new uber-house in Nichols Canyon last saturday. i told him i was meeting my buddy Lee at her house in Nichols Canyon on sunday, and that it was interesting how Nichols Canyon was on my itinerary twice in 2 days.

sunday, while driving to Lee's, i remembered how i used to always call it Nicholas Canyon, and how i had trained myself to associate it with Kevin Nichols (aka DJ Tennessee) to remember it was actually Nichols Canyon.

now this is where it gets strange. as i left Lee's house, i noticed 6 calls from a number i didn't recognize. my ringer was on 'quiet', so i switched it to 'loud'. just then, the phone rang and it indicated the same number that had called 6 times prior.

i answered and a woman asked "who is this"? i said ru, who is this? she asked "why have you been calling my number"? i told her i don't recognize this number and i that haven't called her. she then asked "where is this number from"? i told her i was in Los Angeles. i was open with this woman because she sounded genuine and she had a beautiful southern accent.

she then asked "is this RuPaul"? and i said yes. she said "i'm Kevin's mother, Mrs. Nichols. i met you in Atlanta 7 years ago". i was speechless. i couldn't wrap my brain around the Nichols Canyon - Kevin Nichols connection. i finally asked how she got my number. she said someone has been calling her, making weird noises in to the phone and hanging up. she said my number appeared to be the source of the calls.

i told her i don't have her number in my phone, so it couldn't have accidentally dialed her. i was really starting to get spooked.

our connection dropped out on account of my being in the canyon, so until i could get to a better reception area, i checked my "dialed numbers" list and sure enough, there was no record of my phone calling her number. she called me back, we talked for a little while longer, chalked it up as very strange and said our goodbye's.

i pulled my car to the side of the road to ruminate on the whole thing for a minute. the best i could come up with is that i needed to contact DJ Tennessee aka Kevin Nichols. maybe he needed me, or maybe he was in trouble.

when i spoke with Tennessee, he was doing fine. we laughed about the bazaar turn of events and how the universe had put me and his mother in an unsolved mystery together. i'm still not sure what it all means. any thoughts?

i met Kevin Nichols in 1989 while he was being paid to go-go dance on the bar at Mars in New York City. after he told me his name in a rich and gorgeous southern accent, i told him i always get the names Kevin, Kenneth and Keith mixed up. i asked him where he was from and he said "Tennessee". i told him that's what your name should be.



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