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Saturday, July 01, 2006

his tube is our tube

ok, i was looking around on YOU TUBE at guys who rub their bathing suit area while wearing underpants, when i came across (no pun intended) this sexy mofo. yes, his body was built for sex, but it was the madness in his eyes that pulled me in and kept me there.

each one of his videos were hotter than the last until i hit the motherload (no pun). it was a post of him talking into the camera about an adolescent sexual experience. after his online confession, he turned his butt to the camera to reveal his website address scribbled across the back of his white briefs.

well, of course i followed the link and oh my sweet gherkins! this mofo is letting you bitches HAVE IT on this site! damn, i'm gonna have to send him some money for being so goddamned entertaining! i can't help it. i like 'em naked and complex.



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