Wednesday, April 05, 2006
SHARON STONE is my new favorite actress. she was born to play the role of a murdering, manipulating, lying cunt! I fuckin' loved BASIC INSTINCT 2, in fact, i'm gonna see it a few more times this week before they yank it from theaters due to an underwhelming box office return.
and speaking of "yanked", she has NOT had her face lifted. what she has had "done" is very evident to the trained eye (me) and very well executed. she's had a shitload of BOTOX (let he who hasn't raise the first eyebrow), some facial filler in a few creases (a rite of passage), hair extensions and a very conservative boob job.
most people can't believe she looks that fabulous at that age with so little "work done", but it's true. what you see on that screen is a well kept thoroughbred who was built to be envied. fucking GORGEOUS! ok, maybe they did some subtle "masking" (like photoshop for film) in post production, but my expert eye sure didn't clock any.
i wish the film was more campy, but it's not. i was also surprised at how sexy the lead guy is. he sure didn't read as sexy in the commercials. i don't understand why more people didn't go to see it. she's fucking hawt! people suck!
Posted by Ru
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
at Wednesday, April 05, 2006 | Permalink
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