Saturday, April 08, 2006
i saw a fantastic "film noir" tonight that really blew me away. i knew nothing about this movie until an hour before we saw it, and even then it was only what i read about it on IMDB.COM. i would normally not go out to see a movie on a friday night, but my friend suggested we do so we did, and boy am i glad we did!
the film is called BRICK and it star's a bunch of really amazing young actors, one of which i've had the pleasure of working with on two occasions, the brilliant NOAH FLEISS.
the film is true to form with shades of the movie CHINATOWN in it and a healthy helping of several RAYMOND CHANDLER novels. i hope i haven't given too much away about it, but if you get the chance, do see it.
one last thing, JOSEPH GORDON-LEVITT will be remembered as one of the great actors of his generation. also, keep an eye on MEAGAN GOOD. she's the one who will take HALLE's place in a few years.
Posted by Ru
Saturday, April 08, 2006
at Saturday, April 08, 2006 | Permalink
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