Thursday, March 09, 2006
i feel fantastic! it feels like the sun has come out for the first time in months. my dear friend MIKE MATTINGLY has a theory about winter time for scorpios, and i believe it's true. he writes:
Dear Ru, Hey..I enjoyed your hibernation musings. I support the theory that each person's energy peaks during the month of their birth sign when the sun enters their birth house and then rapidly dwindles as the sun exits. This effect occurs over several months. For we Scorpios this means October is full of anticipation/joy, November is the culmination of our entire year, and December and January are black holes of dead energy. I have begun to keep a diary to document this during various years in my life. I have noticed that approx. January 15-20 I hit rock bottom in a bizarre fashion, literally I become dazed. The past 5 years in a row this occurred so now I know not to fear it. Spring is ultra-rejuvenating for Scorpio, the sign of death and darkness which loves to celebrate another cycle of survival.
Posted by Ru
Thursday, March 09, 2006
at Thursday, March 09, 2006 | Permalink
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