Monday, March 06, 2006
i had already planned on recording THE OSCARS when my engineer called to cancel our studio session for the evening. with my night now free, the lure of watching the awards ceremony live was never even remotely tempting. i've learned from years of experience, it's much better to watch a recording so you can fast-forward through the boring parts.
with my DVD set to record, i was off to the movies. i figured i would have the cineplex to myself on OSCAR night, and indeed i did. i saw NANNY McPHEE, which i really enjoyed (except i felt 5 of the 7 children looked too american for this english fairy tale). the theater was empty just the way i like it.
with the exception of the new CATE BLANCHETT film last week, i hadn't been to the movies in months. in fact, BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN was the last thing i saw in a movie house. that experience left me vowing to never return until they put headphone jacks in the armrests.
can you imagine having to tell the people a few seats over to "please be quiet" in a moody, quiet film like BROKEBACK? well, that's exactly what i had to do. by the time i even mustered up enough gumption to finally say something, i was steaming mad. they were carrying on a full conversation like it was their friggin' living room!
fuck that shit, i'd much rather see a movie at home. plus, the real reason i go to the movies is for the popcorn, and that shit has way too many freakin' calories. i'm better off a home!
by the time i got back home, the ceremony was ending. perfect! i watched a 4 hour show in an hour and a half. the only time i rewinded was during LAUREN BACALL'S stammering intro to the FILM NOIR montage and when JENNIFER GARNER slipped on her dress and almost bit it. yes, i'm evil... i know.
winners? losers? whatever. by the time you make it to that room, you're already a winner. my favorite moments... the mock campaign commercials and LILY & MERYL.
Posted by Ru
Monday, March 06, 2006
at Monday, March 06, 2006 | Permalink
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