Wednesday, March 08, 2006
we post my upcoming nightclub dates in the NEWS section of my website after the contracts have been signed and the arrangements have been made. sometimes, a venue will start to promote my appearance before a deal is struck, which they are contractually not allowed to do. in most of those cases the details are eventually ironed out and the gig happens as planned, but on the rare occasion when a venue has promoted my appearance and the negotiations later fall through, it puts me in a very precarious position.
that's what happened last year when PROMOTER A couldn't close the deal within the window of time i require before the show date. PROMOTER B was able to close the deal (for the very same date, but in another city) in a timely fashion and i chose to go there. of course, rather than say he botched the negotiations, PROMOTER A told people that i had "cancelled" the gig, making me the bad guy. in my 24 years of show business, i'm proud to say i have NEVER cancelled a show.
in ISRAEL, my show was postponed one week because my luggage was lost, and in PHOENIX, my outdoor show was cancelled because of a windstorm, but i have never - ever cancelled a show on my own volition. in 1988, after a saturday night coke binge, i awoke to incessant banging on my door by the stage manager of the musical i was doing. seems i had forgotten that we had a 3:pm sunday matinee. they held the curtain for 20 minutes. at 3:21pm i was on my mark. i don't cancel shows.
i love what i do and i don't take this work for granted. the fact that people still want to come and see me perform is a great gift to me and i am forever grateful. if you've heard that i'm appearing somewhere, check in the NEWS section of my website first. if it's posted there, that means it's a done deal. if it's not posted, it could be that my agent and the promoter are still in negotiations.
and oh, my coke binge days are behind me. today, my only vices now are DOLPH LUNDGREN movies and roasted, unsalted sunflower seeds from TRADER JOE'S.
Posted by Ru
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
at Wednesday, March 08, 2006 | Permalink
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