Friday, March 24, 2006
during the show wednesday night, as i was singing "house of love", i noticed a young man right up front who was singing all the lyrics with me. i could sense that he was very happy to see me, so i went over and gently stroked the back of his neck. he then leaned in as to kiss my cheek, so i leaned in also. as i was about to make contact with his cheek, he flipped the script and kissed my lips.
in that one moment, i remembered who i really am, why i was born and what i must do with this gift of life. i think it was the most important kiss of my life. i can still feel his big pillowy lips on mine. he must have been an angel, because what i experienced in that split second was an act of pure love.
who i really am? i am an extension of the power that created the universe. why was i born? to experience that power on a physical and emotional level. what must i do with this gift? give more love. allow myself to receive more love.
Posted by Ru
Friday, March 24, 2006
at Friday, March 24, 2006 | Permalink
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