Friday, May 27, 2005
in february of 1981, i caught a GREYHOUND bus from SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA to ATLANTA, GEORGIA. it took 3 days to cover the 2600 mile trek, and almost 25 years for me to try and forget the experience. it was pretty awful. the only awesome thing i remember about the trip was pulling into EL PASO, TEXAS at sunset during a dust storm.
it was completely surreal because the dust took on the color of the burnt orange sunset. there were even tumbleweeds blowing through the "old town" section of the city where the GREYHOUND terminal is located. in slow motion, the bus crept down the deserted MAIN STREET with it's turn of the century buildings straight out of ORSON WELLES' TOUCH OF EVIL . it felt like we were rolling through the reload portion of a gunfight.
all these years later, i could've almost made myself believe it never happened and that it was all a dream... that is before JOELLE and i walked down that very street last night after dinner. we're in EL PASO to do a show at THE ZONE tonight. we're staying at a hotel near the club, so we decided to walk over there and check out the scene. it was a warm, windy night with thunder and lightening in the distance. the streets were deserted except for occasional foot traffic headed to the club. i immediately recognized the streets as the ones from my bus ride in '81. not much had changed.
as we walked, we saw what looked like a big truck stop about three blocks ahead of us. the closer we got, it became clear that this was no service station, but the MEXICAN BORDER. then, all at once i got it! EL PASO means THE PASS. the pass between MEXICO and THE U.S. and the pass between consciousness and the subconscious. that's why i couldn't tell if my brief visit in '81 was a dream or real. let's hope tonight's show won't be a nightmare.
Posted by Ru
Friday, May 27, 2005
at Friday, May 27, 2005 | Permalink
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