Wednesday, March 30, 2005
TIM and i were on our way up to LaHOMA's apartment to watch THE FAYE DUNAWAY SHOW, when we ran into JORDANA BREWSTER, the star of D.E.B.S. coming out of the building. i told her i had just seen her movie last night. she said "i can't believe RuPAUL is standing here telling me you saw my movie!" i said "anytime bitches are kicking ass in a movie, i'm so there!" we laughed and said goodbye, but what i didn't say was that i walked out of the film after a very painful first hour. she was fascinating to watch though, with her KATE JACKSON / DEMI MOORE good looks.
p.s.- i was very impressed that she knew my name. p.s.s.- my server won't allow me to link her to IMDB.COM, right now.
Posted by Ru
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
at Wednesday, March 30, 2005 | Permalink
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