Monday, September 27, 2004
alright, i'm back to earth, but just for a moment. the past couple of weeks have been totally outrageous with work stuff and the release of my new album RUPAUL RED-HOT. during the week, i wake up at 3am and run a hot bubble bath as my oatmeal (w/ dried cranberries, cinnamon, splenda and rice milk) is cooking in the microwave. after breakfast and bath, i check my SHe-mails and get dressed to meet the car at 4:45 am. once at THE MIX102.7FM, i read the morning papers for a half hour before we go on the air at 5:30 am. the show ends at 9am, but i usually get out of there by 10am. this morning after work, i had a costume fitting with ZALDY at 10. on the way home, i hit my favorite salad bar and loaded up with yummy-yummy green stuff.
when i get home, i attack the pile of unfinished business on my desk. today, it was getting the music video for "looking good..." duplicated for for outlets that service bars and nightclubs, editing photographs taken by DUANE CRAMER on the set of said music video and unpacking, preparing the costumes for next weekend's show in JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA.
yes, on weekends we go out of town to do my nightclub act. weekend before last, we were in SAVANNAH, GA & CHARLOTTE, NC. this past weekend, it was HALIFAX-NOVA SCOTIA, TORONTO and BOSTON. i had never been to HALIFAX and was very excited to finally go there. my mother's ancestors had come to ST. MARTINSVILLE, LOUISIANA from NOVA SCOTIA, so i'm glad i got see it. the people in CANADA are so lovely, i could live there in a heartbeat.
club LUST in TORONTO sent a man to pick us up at the airport who literally made me feel as giddy as a school girl. he was this incredibly gorgeous 6'6" GREEK dude called JASON who looked like a young TOM SELLECK, with the broadest shoulders i've ever seen on a man. even as i write about him now, my heart flutters. he was smart and present and he was to be my bodyguard for the night... boy how i wished that were true in the most literal of ways. he drove a HUMMER, which was fun to ride in, but ultimately frustrating because the seats are so far apart...i wanted to be closer to him.
TORONTO has the best used CD stores in the world, and (given the limited time i had) i tried my best to take full advantage of that fact. i bought about 10 used CD's in TORONTO before it was time for my beautification process. a couple of the more precious finds were BRANDI WELLS' WATCH OUT and CATHY DENNIS' AM I THE KINDA GIRL?
MATT MOSS emailed me at the beginning of the year and offered his services as a remix artist. i took him up on his offer and the result was some really awesome remixes for some tracks on my new CD. MATT lives in SOMERVILLE, MASS...so when i got to BOSTON, i naturally called him up so we could go USED CD shopping on NEWBURY STREET. we had never met, and i was happy to find a smart, funny, clever and lovely man. i now have MATT to thank for making me a fan of BOSTON. i've been there several times, but i never seemed to click with it...until saturday. the day was sunny, the people were beautiful and the used CD shopping was bountiful. on MATT's suggestion, i picked up JONI MITCHELL' COURT AND SPARK...WOW!!! upon listening, i recognized the album immediately from the 30 years i spent smoking pot in urban dwellings around the world. i haven't gotten high in 5 years, but soaking in a bubble bath in my suite at the RITZ-CARLTON while listening to the sweet sound of JONI brought it all back to me. ahhh! the power of music.
in one of the magazines we picked up in BOSTON, there was an ad for my october appearance in a nearby city which eluded that i would attend a "VIP meet & greet" prior to the performance. that was news to me because i never do "VIP meet & greets" before a performance (think about it, me, getting into drag 2 hours earlier than the 4 hours it already takes me...yeah, right!). based on my past experience (and there have been many), this shady tactic is an old trick to wrangle more money out of unsuspecting fans, and make me the bad guy when i don't show up for an event i know nothing about.
in the future, y’all please check the NEWS page of my website for confirmed appearances.
Dear Ru,
This weekend I had some old friends from L.A. visit, and I couldn't resist telling you about thier visit. Now these boys are oldschoolers from "The Catch" in L.A. (The only gay bar on the planet that ever made this little white boy slightly intimidated on the dance floor). If you know of "The Catch", you know those sistas take thier music damn serious. So when Tati (Tatianna) came to town this weekend, I was just dying to get a review of your album from her. This request was met with typical "Ferocious Queen" attitude. "I doubt any Drag Queen can break down the beats I need" was his first responce to my request. But, though ferocious she may be, Tati also understands the rules of being a good house guest. So she heeded my request, and took your cd, my cd-player and headphones, went to the living room, and asked not to be disturbed. A little over an hour later, Tati came back to the den, and made this simple announcement: "Not only did Ru pee for this.... Honey that bitch pulled over on the side of the Highway, and popped a squat for that Pee"!!!!!! No higher compliment could be given. Thought you'd like to know.
Posted by Ru
Monday, September 27, 2004
at Monday, September 27, 2004 | Permalink
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