Wednesday, September 08, 2004
“I’M WALKING FOR NUMBERS...10...10...10...10...”
my whole family came to see me off on saturday, and i served up the gumbo that JONNO made and froze back in january. it tasted even better than it did when it was fresh. it was a great day. the kids splashed around in the pool and we sat around the dining room table playing SCATAGORIES (ok, that whole sentence sounded like a shit joke).
i moved to L.A. six years ago, and the last three of those years were the first time me and my sisters lived in such close proximity since the late 70’s. i will always cherish the time i spent in CALIFORNIA, being near my sisters, all the friends i made, and the reconnection i made with myself...but now, it’s time to get back to work (bitch!).
how apropos that i would start my new job at THE MIX 102.7 FM on the day after LABOR DAY? when i did “morning-drive” here in NYC eight years ago, it was a total fluke. i never imagined i would go to work in an office building at 4am everyday for over a year, but i did it with much success and lots of sleep deprivation. this time, my sleeping habits (among other things) have changed and i’m prepared for what’s ahead of me.
the music video for my new single “looking good, feeling gorgeous” will be ready tomorrow. i saw some footage last friday and it looks sickening! you are so going to gag when you see it!!!
the album drops september 21st.
pre-order her on AMAZON.COM
Posted by Ru
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
at Wednesday, September 08, 2004 | Permalink
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