Thursday, September 16, 2004
Dear Ru,
Checked in to your website (Looks great by the way), and read your blog about how badly things are going with the election. It pisses me off too, but I hope against hope that Kerry (who is known for coming on strong at the end of campaigns) still has some fight left in him!! What hurts me even more than that, is to know that the hatred that the Repbulicans are spreading is so pervasive that it can even make a pioneer in The Power of Love, question loves power over hatred.
Since I doubt you will actually get to read this, let me meander on and tell you a story. As a young man, the early 90s were an incredibly difficult period in my life. I finally had summoned the courage to "Come Out", but it was at a time when so many of my friends were either dying or had just learned that they too were HIV positive. The Christmas of 93 was a turning point for me. By that time, I was literally living life in a full blown depression, my friends were dying, and even though I didn't have the courage at the time to get tested, I was still convinced that I would, like my friends, die young. It was a time filled with fear and hatred. And I hated the whole world!!! One night before Christmas a friend (who unfortunately is no longer with us) came for a visit. He was always a huge Christmas buff and sick or not, he always played Santa to the hilt. And on that year he had discovered a new song, It was your Rendition of "Little Drummer Boy", and God how he loved that song. A few years later I lost my friend to complications from HIV. He passed away shortly after Christmas. On one of my last visits to him, I brought along your HO HO HO Christmas album. We played your song "Hard Candy Christmas" over and over. I will never forget him telling me that the lyrics of that song really spoke to him. How he felt that he was "Barely getting through tomorrow, but still I won't let sorrow bring me way down". He lived his life, and no matter the pain, be it from sickness or hatred, he never allowed his spirit to be defeated. Even in death he was victorious, for even with all the hatred he had seen in his life, he refused to become hateful. He lived and died believing in love.
I hope that when times are tough, you continue to speak out and fight against hatred, but more importantly I hope you can reconnect with the power of love,. For without it we are only left to hate. And I have seen enough hatred to last lifetimes.
Thanks for listening
Posted by Ru
Thursday, September 16, 2004
at Thursday, September 16, 2004 | Permalink
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