Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Gay Times (UK)
Gay Times-How the heck are you?
Ru-I haven't had any complaints (except for that one bloke from Brixton, UGGGGH!).
GT-Where are you now?
Ru-I'm in the sunroom of my house in the Hollywood Hills.
GT-Have we caught you in the middle of something (if not, why not)?
Ru-Yes, I'm plotting to reclaim my throne as The Queen of All Queens.
GT-We’ve missed you, girlfriend – where have you been all our lives (four years can be a lifetime in gay years)?
Ru-I took some time away from public life to focus on my personal life. Another reason I needed to chill was that the cultural climate here in America had shifted to the extremely conservative right, and that made my work very difficult. Four years later, the climate hasn't changed, but i feel recharged enough to mount a retaliation.
GT-We hear you’re back in the saddle and recording music again. Tell all.
Ru-Yes, and I'm very excited about it. "RuPaul Red-Hot!" has all the sassy fun and optimism that my audience expects from me, plus i got to sneak in a few personal songs that come from the inside of me (ooh, that sounds kinky!). the album is also stronger lyrically, melodically and vocally than anything i've ever done before.
GT-Do you have a special someone right now?
Ru-Yes, I'm dating royalty! you may have heard of him...The Prince of Darkness?
GT-Gay marriage is very much on the political agenda in the States, can we expect to see you heading down the aisle?
Ru-Satan doesn't believe in marriage, so I'm afraid the only time you'll ever see me heading down an aisle will be me pushing a shopping cart down the aisle at Sainsbury's.
GT-You’re famously quoted as saying that every time you bat your eyelashes it’s a political statement – how are your eyelashes telling you to vote in this year’s presidential election? (Bush or Kerry)
And why?
Ru-My lashes are fluttering toward Kerry, not because he's such a prize, but because we must trim the Bush.
GT-If you were standing for president what would be your campaign slogan?
Ru-"Just because you want me, doesn't make you gay."
GT-What’s it like living in America at the moment?
Ru-It's like living in the 1950's. Repression and fear reign supreme in America, with a complete denial of truth, beauty, freedom and love. the pendulum will swing back eventually, but after what price has been paid? The good news is that the current situation has forced a lot of old vampires (like myself) out of dark places to make some changes, because quite frankly, the shit has gone on for far too long.
GT-There’s nothing wrong with a bit of plastic surgery, but don’t you think it’s going a bit far having a clone made of yourself? (Please explain your Madame Tussaud’s waxwork – how did it come about?)
Ru-I'd love to send her out to do some nightclub gigs for me...you know, put that bitch to work! Basically, they asked me to do it and i said "yes". then, for the next six months, they photographed and measured everything on me from head to toe and cock to frock. the weird thing is knowing that my wax portrait will be on this planet long after I've turn to dust.
GT-We gather you like playing games, is this true?
Ru-During my semi-retirement, I did a bunch of socializing with friends and family. I had parties at my house constantly...my favorites being the "game nights". we'd start with "charades" and then move on to "taboo" and finally "password" or "spotlight". it's a great way to cut through the bullshit of a person's affectations and get to the core of who they really are.
GT-What – no naked Twister?! (a floor game where people bend over each other to reach different coloured spots)
Ru-No. I like games that challenge the mind. It's interesting to study how different people solve a problem in a very limited amount of time.. the better players are the ones who allow us to witness their inner dialog.
GT-Any other plans for this year?
Ru-I'd like to tour around the world with this album, but for right now, I'm just gonna focus on today.
GT-What are you going to do after this interview?
Ru-It's "game night" over at (my longtime collaborator) Mathu Andersen's house tonight.
"RuPaul Red-Hot!" will be released September 21, 2004
Posted by Ru
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
at Wednesday, August 04, 2004 | Permalink
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