Tuesday, July 13, 2004
JARED JONES is a remixer from RICHMOND, VIRGINIA who emailed me last year asking if he could work some magic on a few of my tracks. since then, we’ve become close friends, so much so that he flew to CALI to visit me in april and is currently staying with me here in MANHATTAN. last night, we tipped over to AVALON (the old LIMELIGHT) to key-key with PETER MaCLAINE and his roommate. the staff treated us like royalty and we all had a good time.
this morning, i had a fitting with ZALDY for my new costumes. i got the time wrong and showed up a half hour early. i spent the rest of the day with HIGH VOLTAGE at her new apartment in LIBERTY CITY. we worked out at the gym, and then went shopping for her first IPOD. i told VOLTAGE that i’m obsessed with SPLENDA, so she sent me home with apricot preserves and chewy candy made with the splendid sweetener.
Posted by Ru
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
at Tuesday, July 13, 2004 | Permalink
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