Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Hey Ru -
I work for the Wildlife Resources Agency, and I get calls about
skunks every single day that goes by. What the neighborhoods
in the Hollywood Hills need to do is STOP feeding any of
their pets outside first of all. Skunks love cat & dog food, so if
anyone is feeding their pets outside (and not taking it in at night),
it's also a FREE BUFFET for the skunks, raccoons, coyotes, etc., etc.
Next thing is for folks to cover up any "holes" the skunks can get into
to den. They are nocturnal creatures and they'll ramble out of the den
at night to forage for food. That is when you need to take advantage of
their being out from under the house, shed, or whatever, and cover up
the hole where they have their den. However, you need to be sure there
are no baby skunks inside the den.
Probably the best way to move them out of the Hollywood Hills is to
contact the California Wildlife people and get them to recommend
licensed trappers for that area to come remove them. Skunks are nasty
little critters to catch, and you can be assured you WILL get sprayed
should you want to remove them yourself. (I don't see you wanting to do
that though.) ;) Trappers who are licensed to remove wild animals
know how to trap them in a way to minimize that problem - usually.
(Nothing is failsafe.) I have no idea what trappers out there would
charge to remove skunks, but it's probably pretty high, because skunks
are the most expensive animal to remove. As I said right
off, though, the best thing to do is to remove all food sources and
they'll move to other areas eventually.
There is also some stuff you can buy at PetCo or PetSmart called
"Nature's Miracle" that neutralizes skunk odor from your pets, yourself,
your home - it's about $10 a bottle, and we tell folks that if they have
skunk smell in their house, they can use that to neutralize it. Our
only female officer got herself sprayed a couple of years ago, and she
said that was the ONLY thing she tried that got rid of the smell,
Good luck with the skunk problem. Let me know how it all turns out for
you & your neighborhood. Your pal, Julie
Posted by Ru
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
at Tuesday, July 27, 2004 | Permalink
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