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Friday, July 23, 2004


well, tonight it finally happened. after years of worshipping, idolizing and immortalizing her in and around my home, i finally met JOCELYNE WILDENSTEIN. she came to see my show at a club here in NYC called PLAID. she came backstage before i went on and i begged her to introduce me on stage, which she did.

the show was a stone gas, and i had a phat funky-fresh time. afterward, JOCELYNE invited me to come to her house, but i couldn’t because i was in full dragalia and soaking wet. i so wanted to see her place...i’m sure it’s completely outrageous.

the club was packed to the rafters, just like my show at THERAPY on monday night. it’s been fun performing in NYC again because it’s filled with young kids who grew up watching me and who now have the chance to see me in person for the first time. when i first hit it big, it was difficult for me to gig in MANHATTAN because of all the negative energy i got from the jealous cunts i started out in “the biz” with. tonight i felt nothing but love. BOY GEORGE even showed up tonight...i absolutely adore him.



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