Friday, July 02, 2004
i remember reading an article about JOAN RIVERS many years ago in which she revealed that her daily grind on the comeback trail consisted of endless days of hard work at a bone-breaking pace. she said that by the time she would hit the bed at night, she barely had enough strength to pull back the covers. i’ve never forgotten that story, and over the years i’ve used it as the watermark to measure my own degree of willingness to hustle. ever since i hit the road to renewal a few weeks ago in BRAZIL, the days have been long and hard, and the nights few and short...but i have to tell you i wouldn’t change a goddamn thing. it’s so totally fulfilling.
i arrived in NYC last week, and it’s been nonstop go-go-go ever since. i’m calling it my grassroots campaign to win the support of “the childrens”. basically, i’m shaking hands and kissing babies. i performed at the FREEDOM PARTY during gay pride, did a shitload of radio press junkets, jockeyed the WKTU float for the gay pride parade, shot publicity photos with MIKE RUIZ in the middle of TIMES SQUARE (SAM FINE did my make-up, JASON HAYES did my hair) and had a gaggle of meetings to strategize my world domination. i know i’d be way more exhausted if i’d weren’t SOMERSIZING and working out.
last night, a bunch of friends gathered at a restaurant called 5/NINTH AVE to celebrate JOELLE’S birthday. we had a terrific time, but we were all in a bit of shock because the restaurant used to be the three story FEDERAL STYLE house that me, LADY BUNNY, LAHOMA and LARRY TEE lived in for many years. the memories kept swirling around in my head, because i was literally sitting in my old bedroom...over there was the spot that NELSON died of a heart attack, and right there was the place we found BLACKOUT dead after he could hardly bark or climb the stairs anymore, and this was the area where me and this trick i brought home...well, you get the picture.
the first night i slept in that house was 20 years ago when i brought the RuPAUL IS RED HOT REVUE to NYC,and the last night i slept in that house was august of 1991, so you can imagine the magnitude of flashbacks i was experiencing. i sat next to DAVID DALRYMPLE at the birthday gathering and he commented that i finally got my wish of a fully stocked bar in my bedroom, only this bar didn’t serve our old house brands ALEXI or POPOV. all and all, i walked away from the experience with gratitude for being alive and a huge appreciation for change.
more to come from THE BIG APPLE
Posted by Ru
Friday, July 02, 2004
at Friday, July 02, 2004 | Permalink
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