Thursday, July 22, 2004
somehow, it felt oddly satisfying that i had five strangers pressed up against my bits and pieces. there wasn’t any fear of foul odors because we had all just gotten out of the shower, and any reservations i had about commitment would be taken care of by the time we reached TIMES SQUARE.
the #2 train was packed, as usual at 8am, and i relished having that as an excuse to be so close to all the other passengers. all day, we spend so much time avoiding eye contact, much less body contact, that it felt good to (out of necessity) be right up in each others grill...well, i’m speaking for myself, of course. i don’t have to do it everyday, plus i live in LOS ANGELES, but in that moment, it felt good to be a NEW YORKER.
i probably just need to get laid!
i’ve impregnated 8 IPODS since i’ve been here. two weeks ago, i met MICHAEL SEAN on the C train and last night we finally got together to swap files...literally.
the best part of doing the GRAHAM NORTON EFFECT was that they didn’t pre-interview me, which usually squashes any spontaneity an interview might have. the researcher of my segment clearly dug deep into my weblog instead of torturing me with a buzz killing pre-interview.
i haven’t seen the show, but tons of people have written saying that they enjoyed it. i can’t imagine what the editor was able to salvage from my section, because we were sooo X rated. my plan was to not do TV until the album comes out, and to focus on gay, dance and DJ culture with the single, but i love GRAHAM so much that i couldn’t say no. i’m happy i did it.
Posted by Ru
Thursday, July 22, 2004
at Thursday, July 22, 2004 | Permalink
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