Monday, December 22, 2003
it feels good to be back to the blog again. i started it two years ago to give folks an idea of what i'm really like as a living, breathing, human being. it's been both fun and exhausting at times, but the biggest reward has been some of the people i've corresponded with as a result of the blog. i get emails from the most amazing people all over the world, and some from the most fucked up psychopaths ever allowed near a computer.
here are a few of the emails that warmed my heart last week:
Well Ru, I for one do not find your blog at all boring, nor do I think that consciously deciding to reinvent yourself is the answer. We're all a work in progress right up to the day we leave this little spinning ball of life called earth. Whether you're happy, depressed, pissed off, working or watching tv, I just like checking in and hearing about what's happening in your life - your comings and goings whether they are visiting family, going dancing, or buying cd's is all as interesting as when you are meeting uber-celebrities. I think you're the perfect Ru!
xxo jacob
Hi Sweetpea!!!! Happy Holiday's!!! I have been thinking of 2003 & different ways to get your name all over the news & in homes across America for 2004...here's what I came up with...what'cha think???
10.Pretend to not know the difference between Tuna & "Chicken Of the Sea."
9. Dangle one of your wigs from a balcony in front of photographers.
8. Kill Bill.
7. Send Bjork a bomb in the mail.
6. Be involved in a low speed car chase down the 405 or 710.
5. Find Bin Ladin in a bigger whole.
4. Fake an accent and run for Mayor.
3. "Leak"out an amature porntape just weeks before your on reality show debut.
2. Be 2nd runner up to the WINNER of American Idol.
1. Kiss Madonna!
hehehehe Who am I kidding...everybody knows your crazy ass...hell, Taylor Dayne remade Supermodel Of The World & my 9 year old cousin knows ALLLL the words!! :)
I hope you have a Very Merry Christmas...I know I will, as I am playin the shit outta your Christmas CD!! Have a happy New Year & take care my love...Parker
> I just ran into your site a week ago and I have read every single
> solitary piece of text this site has to offer, and i've come to one
> conclusions... IM OBSESSED... yep im a scorpio, how'd you guess?
> you've mastered the art of SUCKING everyone in (in one way or another)
> and I've come to the end of your blog... (is it DECEMBER already???)
> and since entries are far and few between (i check every day), i've
> dipped into an oblivious depression.. and the only remedy is... MORE
> GODDAMN BLOG!!! Don't let me DIE like this!!!!! after all ive done
> (and read) for you. hey, If you need a typist because the finger you
> type with is blistered and sore for one reason or the next (i guessed
> which finger, by the way) i am fast as lightning... just call me
> keyboardina trampolina cholesterola love-hewett III (dont let my
> misuse of capitalization fool you, it's an homage to you!) well
> anyway im hoping your neck, your BACK, your pussy and your crack is
> doing much better these days, better than i've been doin lately,
> because did i tell you... im out of BLOG!!!!!! im melting... oh what
> a world, what a world!
> with much respect and adoration,
Ru Paul.My name is Cassidy.I am 9 years old and I live in Jacksonville. I absolutely LOVE the song Super Model.The reason I like it is because I'm a model.
You are beautiful! My mom saw you in concert in Orlando before I was born. My Uncle Thomas has your CD, and we listen to it very loud in the car! If you ever come to Jacksonville, or Washington State (we are moving in March) please email me so I can see you!
> hey rupaul,
> i liked your most recent blog entry about the literal
> and figurative interpretations of christianity and
> moreso, the bible. i studied with the johavah's
> witnesses at one time in my life and although i do not
> subscribe the their beliefs, they did point out one
> thing that has stuck with me--that the bible is
> written in metaphor and people always take it
> literally. it was like they were the first religious
> people that admitted it! it made the book in general
> make WAY more sense and i always baffle that others
> haven't realized this as well. i also stay out of
> debates about religion, because it's all
> faith-based--how can you tell someone to stop having
> faith in something they believe in so strongly? you
> can and they just won't listen to you, so it's a moot
> point. why don't others subscribe to the idea that
> all there really is at the end of the day is love or a
> search for love. we're all united in that quest--so
> why do people WANT to be angry and hateful and use
> their religion as their crutch?
> love,
> ~devian
Posted by Ru
Monday, December 22, 2003
at Monday, December 22, 2003 | Permalink
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