Thursday, December 18, 2003
i find there are two kinds of people in the world. there are people who see the world as black and white and only perceive information in the literal sense, and then there are people who not only comprehend literal meanings but are also able to decipher figurative, abstract, out of the box information. the latter group that i've described here are intuitives who have a connection to their gut, which is every human's link to the psychic power of the universe.
sometimes my connection gets distorted by my ego or lack of sleep and food, but for the most part, i try to keep myself aligned with the universal truth, which, of course, is love.
my connection was really put to the test on my recent trip home for thanksgiving. i was surrounded by born-again christians, who always bring out the skeptic in me. i am not a christian (and by the way, neither was CHRIST), but i dig JESUS like nobody's business. christians don't have a monopoly on CHRIST. a religion that focuses on the crucifixion of CHRIST, rather than the resurrection, has a not so hidden agenda of oppression.
i try to avoid any kind of theological discussion with religious people for obvious reasons, but somehow the issue of literal versus figurative came up. i made the point that the figurative meaning behind the resurrection of JESUS is a much bigger message than the literal meaning, which is that a reanimated corpse walked out of the tomb.
figuratively, the meaning is that JESUS transcended death because his true self was not his body. the body can perish, but the soul (the true self) is eternal, which is true for all of us. energy does not die, it just changes form. that's why he is alive today in spirit. he is the example of the potential we all have to transcend the limitations of our bodies. we are all GOD'S children, no one is special.
well, of course, that theory didn't go over very well at the homestead. they all chose to believe in the reanimated corpse theory. that's fine. i needed to remind myself to let people be and think however they wanted to. there is no such thing as right and wrong, just love and fear. today i choose love.
Posted by Ru
Thursday, December 18, 2003
at Thursday, December 18, 2003 | Permalink
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