Tuesday, October 14, 2003
i went to NYC to assess one of the properties that i own, recently left vacant by tenants who had lived there for over 5 years. it had been that long since i stepped foot in the place, so i felt the need to be there to oversee repairs that had to be done. what i thought would take one week ended up taking four weeks to complete. i had the joint repainted, wood floors redone, new carpet for one of the bedrooms, replaced cracked mirrors and had a plumber come in to snake the line and replace some pipes.
on top of all that, under the expert guidance of my friend CRAZY CRAIG, i gave the digs the kind of top to bottom cleaning that only a proud owner would embark upon. CRAIG had me invest in a toothbrush from the 99 cents store, that proved to be my best defense against hard to reach ghook (it was clear to me that the tenants had never enlisted the help of a housekeeper). he had me take off and clean all of the electrical outlet and light switch covers, but before i could replace them, he had me to dip the toothbrush in rubbing alcohol to brush off the years of grime on and around the outlets and switches themselves. brilliant !
i soaked all of the trays and racks from the refrigerator in the bathtub, and gave that icebox a wipe down it won’t soon forget. it was the same treatment for the stove, the dishwasher and the air conditioning filters, and again, that cheap toothbrush made the difference between an OK cleaning and a MOMMIE DEAREST affair.
i cleaned the two overhead fans, dry cleaned the drapes, had the front door locks changed, had the kitchen sink faucet replaced, and CRAIG re-caulked around the kitchen sink. after PJ’s boyfriend DAVID clued me in on the joys of OXY-CLEAN, i launched a full out attack on the grout between the tiles on the kitchen floor. i won...but not without my toothbrush.
when it was all said and done, i felt such a sense of accomplishment. i had learned so many practical tips from CRAIG, that i couldn’t wait to get back to my house in L.A. to whip it into shape. i am not a “clean freak”, but i am also not a slob. MAMA used to say “if you ain’t got a goddamn thing to your name, at least keep what you do have clean”. wherever my mother is, i’m sure she’s very proud of me for taking care of business and getting the job done right.
Posted by Ru
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
at Tuesday, October 14, 2003 | Permalink
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