Saturday, October 18, 2003
on the night that i was to meet BILLY B. for dinner he was running late at work, so he asked me to meet him at his job so that we could just go from there. his job that day was doing MICHELLE WILLIAMS’ make-up for photos to promote her second solo album. when i got down there, MICHELLE’S fellow group member BEYONCE was also there. it was her day off so she was just hangin’ to lend support. the fact that BEYONCE was there on her day off just goes to show the kind of character she possesses. in person, i’ve always found her to be kind, warm and genuine. she is truly aces in my book.
PJ and his boyfriend DAVID have TIVO at their apartment. on one of the nights i was over there, they were catching up on a weeks worth of television. in one single evening, they got me hooked on SURVIVOR and a soap opera called PASSIONS. if i ever had any doubt that my addictive personality was under control, i was dead wrong. once a week, i would find myself at their place to get my fix of both tv melodramas.
PASSIONS is so outrageously unbelievable that you’ve just got to love it. my favorite character is a nurse called PRECIOUS, played by a real-live orangutan. the men on the show all manage to be very sexy, even though they all suffer from that L.A plucked, moussed, fake tan look. “luis” is the hottest. he has big juicy nipples the size of half dollars. the show’s only drawback is that the storyline moves so slow, that the poor actors have to appear in the same clothes for 3 weeks at a time.
the men of SURVIVOR: PEARL NECKLACE are scrumptious, as well. why is it that the more good looking a person is, the more character they lack ? is it because good looking people don’t need scruples to get ahead in life ? of course, that’s not always the case, but it’s more often the case than not. case in point, OSTEN and BURTON from SURVIVOR. both are completely self centered and useless to the tribe, and both were put on this earth for one thing and one thing only: FINGER-LICKING GOOD HOT SEX !
Posted by Ru
Saturday, October 18, 2003
at Saturday, October 18, 2003 | Permalink
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