Monday, August 11, 2003
i drove my buddy JACK to the hospital at 5:30 a.m on wednesday morning to have the same surgery performed on his back that i had one year ago. he, too, suffered six, long, agonizing months before finally agreeing to have his shit cut open. i had advised JACK to choose a surgeon who operates out of the hospital that i went to, CEDARS-SINAI, which he did, but his insurance company wouldn’t pay for CEDARS. they (AETNA) insisted he go to a cheaper hospital called BROTMAN MEDICAL CENTER. in my opinion, BROTMAN is a very ghetto hospital, so much so, that my friend MIKE dubbed it BROTMAN CHICKEN & WAFFLES. picture the cast of GOOD TIMES, after “james” and “florida” left the show, running a medical facility.
the doctor chose to feature an ortho-scopic procedure, in which a small incision is made in the small of the back, and then they stick one of those little bity cameras through the hole to find out where to cut the herniated disc. the next day, it was very apparent that the operation was not a success, based on the fact that JACK was still in a colossal amount of pain. the decision was then made to send him back to the O.R. to do the procedure the old fashion way...to split him open like a country ham.
six days later, JACK’S doing much better, but he’s still at ROSCOE’S CHICKEN & DOCTORS. sunday, when TOM and i went to visit him, there was a nurse’s aid standing in the hallway unbraiding her own hair !!! i swear to GOD, that’s the truth. hopefully, they’ll release him this afternoon. i’ll bring him to my house to recover, where he won’t have to beg for pain medication or share a room with someone else.
Posted by Ru
Monday, August 11, 2003
at Monday, August 11, 2003 | Permalink
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