Monday, July 07, 2003
on june 25th, JOELLE and i flew to TEL-AVIV, with a layover in TORONTO, on a trip that would have us back in LOS ANGELES by sunday the 29th of june. i’d been invited to perform at http://www.dome.co.il/ as part of their gay pride celebration. over the past 10 years, i’ve been invited to perform in ISRAEL several times, but due to scheduling and just plain fear on my part, it never materialized. this time, when the offer came through, i figured what the fuck, it’s now or never, especially since a) when will it ever be safe to travel to the MIDDLE EAST ? and b) i don’t plan on doing shows for the rest of my life.
a week before the trip, my sisters announced over lunch that they felt uneasy about my sojourn to THE HOLYLAND and that they didn’t want me to go. i reminded them that i had survived living in NEW YORK CITY for over 14 years and that the MIDDLE EAST CONFLICT couldn’t be worst than the war between mama and daddy during our childhood. they agreed and sent me off with their cautious blessing.
ten minutes before touchdown in TEL-AVIV, the flight attendant handed me a note saying that my luggage had not made the flight and that it would arrive on the next aircraft, which we later found out would be saturday morning. my show was to be friday night.
needless to say, the promoters were in a frenzy. they offered to take me on an all expense paid shopping spree to get me the best costumes that shekels could buy. unfortunately, building a glamorous monster isn’t that simple. even if i could fit into clothes from off the rack, i wouldn’t wear them on stage. the whole concept of being “the queen bee” is to possess what others cannot have...ie, custom everything, not to mention all the pulleys, levers, wrenches and lug nuts it takes to make a 42 year old man look like a “foxy lady”. i don’t expect anyone short of a rocket scientist or a nuclear physicist to understand the mechanics of putting HUMPTY DUMPTY back together again, but JOELLE did her best to help them comprehend it. since salvaging friday night’s show was out of the question, we had two options left. either we take the 24 hour (door to door) journey back to HOLLYWOOD LAND and still be paid (as per my contract), or we stay in the HOLYLAND and reschedule the show for the following week, foregoing my every other year family reunion on the 4th of july weekend and JOELLE’S planned birthday celebration on july 3rd. it was my call. i chose to stay.
plus, my observations on what my friend FLLOYD calls "the chosen cock".
Posted by Ru
Monday, July 07, 2003
at Monday, July 07, 2003 | Permalink
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