Monday, July 21, 2003
it took me a couple of days to recover from the all day “drag-goon” session i did on wednesday. gettin’ all dolled up, cinched in, pushed together, plucked out, close shaved and tucked back, ain’t the most comfortable way to spend 10 hours. still, i had a terrific time and i wouldn’t have changed a thing.
oh, and i remember one other thing from the JACK IN THE BOX shoot that had us all laughing. TOM had come back to my trailer after having overheard a woman at the craft service table say to another woman “i’ve been a fan of RuPaul, ever since i heard he was into PETA (people for the ethical treatment of animals)”. i told TOM that the woman must have misunderstood what she had heard, because i’m not into PETA, but i am into pita bread. i could eat a falafel everyday, if i had to.
ironically, that same day, i noticed xeroxed handwritten signs posted around my neighborhood that read “coyotes are eating our cats”.
saturday, i drove an hour east of L.A to SAN BERNARDINO, where my sister had a barbecue for my nephew’s 12th birthday. all of my sisters were there, and we agreed that next year we would have a “black-mitzvah” for his 13th birthday.
later that night, back in THE CITY OF ANGELS, i was the guest of BILLY B. at the DIXIE CHICKS concert. BILLY is very close with the girls, so we had great seats and backstage passes. the DIXIE CHICKS concert was awesome and amazing, but BILLY and i couldn’t keep our eyes off the DRUNKEN CHICKS in the audience. 300 pounds in a pair of hip huggers and a tub top, carefully walking down the stairs with a basket of nachos in one hand and a 16 ounce of beer in the other... that’s fuckin’ HOT !!! by the end of the sold-out concert, the whole audience was wasted. i couldn’t help but think, who’s gonna drive these people home ?
i just got back from seeing a documentary called CAPTURING THE FRIEDMANS. it was completely riveting and totally shocking. GOD forbid you should ever be the target of a lynch mob...be it PETA, right-wing country music radio or the NASSAU COUNTY police department.
Posted by Ru
Monday, July 21, 2003
at Monday, July 21, 2003 | Permalink
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