Monday, March 17, 2003
ok, this is going to sound really weird to some people, but i felt some sort of cosmic shift happen in the universe this past week. my sense is that this movement is a very good thing (yes darling, madame ru has spoken). in all honesty, i’ll take any kind of fucking shift at this point, because this has truly been the winter of my discontent.
my spiral downward started with a christmas card from my ex mother in-law. seeing her hand writing and hearing her australian accent as i read the card, made me sad as i reminisced about all the years we celebrated the holidays together. it was at that moment that i realized i hadn’t prepared myself emotionally for the long winter ahead, a time when i traditionally get the blues. add to the mix all the bullshit happening in the world and i had my emotional state mapped out for the following months. my eleventh hour strategy was to just persevere and wait for the storm to pass.
fast forward to today, the dark clouds have parted and i feel strong and optimistic. what changed ? certainly nothing has changed with the bullshit in the world, but something has clearly shifted with my inside moves. spring solstice ? full moon ? it doesn’t matter, i’m just happy to be in the land of the living.
note to self: make sure your mind, body and spirit are nurtured by the time halloween rolls around.
Posted by Ru
Monday, March 17, 2003
at Monday, March 17, 2003 | Permalink
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