Thursday, March 13, 2003
i got into show business for all the wrong reasons. i wanted to be a star because, i needed the entire world to stand up simultaneously and shout WE LOVE YOU RU ! well, eventually the world did stand up and validate me, but nothing else changed. i was still left with that empty feeling i’ve had ever since i could remember. after an extended visit to the dark night of my soul, i realized that i would not be made whole by something from the outside world, but instead by something from my inside truth. in reality, i have always been whole, but my thinking didn’t support that fact. post epiphany, my job has been to change my thinking and to reconnect with the eternal energy force that i am an extension of. not an easy task in a world where J-LO is held as the example of “having it all”.
Posted by Ru
Thursday, March 13, 2003
at Thursday, March 13, 2003 | Permalink
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