Saturday, November 23, 2002
MICHELLE VISAGE gave me an advance DVD of WISEGIRLS for my birthday, and i couldn’t wait to have a screening with TOM. he and i are big MARIAH fans for all the right and wrong reasons. the movie is boring, but mariah is the best thing about it. her performance is good and i love the sound of her smokey, husky speaking voice. i just wish she could have chosen better vehicles to show off her acting talent. check out her new official website . it’s so much better than her old one, but still not as comprehensive as mariahdaily.com.
later, we dropped by the trannie strip show at 7969 santa monica blvd. it was so so phenomenal def ! it keeps getting better and better each week !!! loads of fake titties and silicone asses. we were in transsexual heaven.
thursday night, MS. SHABAZZ (the daughter of malcolm x) asked me to introduce SIEDAH GARRETT at the CONGA ROOM. SIEDAH performed material from her forthcoming album, as part of the DRUM OF LIFE series at the club. the show was amazing ! SIEDAH can really sing her ass off. i watched the show with ARI and my ol’ buddy JENIFER LEWIS. afterwards, this cutie came over and introduced herself. we used to talk on the phone about nine years ago, but we had never met in person. she told me that she was currently collaborating with my old songwriting partner, JIMMY HARRY.
Posted by Ru
Saturday, November 23, 2002
at Saturday, November 23, 2002 | Permalink
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