Sunday, November 03, 2002
last week, i received a letter from the NATIONAL GAY & LESBIAN TASK FORCE stating that they had joined the boycott of CHUCK KNIPP, the gay comedian who portrays the character “shirley q. liquor”. as i read the letter, i quickly realized that the people behind the boycott were using the oldest trick in the book to further their own political careers.
the “communist threat” of the 1950’s, the “salem witch trials” and “hidden satanic lyrics in rock music” are all examples of how “crying wolf” has been used effectively throughout history to gain prominence for career minded whistle blowers at the expense of innocent victims. had anyone ever heard of TIPPER GORE, JERRY FALWELL or SEN. McCARTHY before they informed the world of a lurking and sinister evil, that was threatening to unseat mankind ?
the NGLTF sent me the letter as an obvious reaction to my weblog entry entitled THE SHIRLEY Q. LIQUOR CONFLAMA, in which i lambasted the protesters of a “SHIRLEY Q.” nightclub appearance for being unsophisticated barbarians and transparent opportunist with misguided rage.
in my journal entry, i also stated that i am a fan of CHUCK KNIPP and that if i had sensed any malicious intent in his comedy routine, i would not be able to laugh at it. my gut will not allow me to laugh at deliberate cruelty. i am very sensitive to issues of racism, sexism and discrimination. i am a gay black man, who started my career as a professional transvestite in georgia, twenty years ago.
why would the NGLTF go after CHUCK KNIPP ? aren’t there hundreds of important issues that need the attention of the NGLTF ? i believe that the important issues that threaten gay life are too much of a tall order for the NGLTF. i believe that in making the boycott of CHUCK KNIPP a priority, they can appear to be an effective political force. not unlike the school bully who picks on the smallest kid to create fear and gain control of the playground, these power mongers have pulled out the race card to instigate panic and incite fear to achieve their goal. the same scare tactic seems to be working for “the good ol’ boy from texas”, who is calling for a war on iraq to distract the public away from his incompetency in the white house and to gain political leverage by creating a common enemy.
the letter i received had the names three organizers of the boycott and each name was prefaced by the words “executive director” or “acting executive director” (..i,e.. see how important and powerful i am ?) these self-righteous showboaters have clearly chosen style over substance. they’re too busy prancing around on their politically correct high horses to realize that, by demanding that MR. KNIPP stop performing as a black female character, they’re the one’s being sexist and racist !
black folks call each other “niggaz” and gays call each other “fags” and “dykes”, but no offense is taken because it’s coming from a place of love. i myself have worn blackface, a confederate flag and a KKK outfit. would it make a difference to the protesters if they knew how much “black blood” MR.KNIPP had in him ? just because he appears to be white, it doesn’t mean that he is. my grandfather appeared to be white, until he opened his mouth and spoke.
does “shirley q. liquor” pose a threat to humanity ? not hardly. but, if you have a chip on your shoulder and a stick wedged firmly up your ass, then i can see how you might think that CHUCK KNIPP’S comedy routine is offensive. people who are not adept at using their intuition would not be able to sense the love and respect that MR.KNIPP has for black culture. the same way a small child who accidentally overhears sex games coming from her parents bedroom may not be able comprehend that mommy is not really hurting daddy and that daddy really enjoys it when mommy behaves that way. the difference is that the adults who choose to pay to see “shirley q. liquor” are mature enough to know the difference and that CHUCK KNIPP is coming from a place of love, not hate.
taken out of context, “shirley q. liquor” can easily be misunderstood. taken out of context, the NGLTF could easily be branded as a group of self serving sexual deviates who promote unchristian like behavior and who are actively trying to recruit “our children” into their cult. it sounds outrageous, but it’s happened before. it’s a dangerous game, lest we forget what happened in germany sixty years ago.
i said everything that i wanted to say about this topic in my before mentioned essay and the last thing i want to have is an open dialog with these narrow-minded bureaucrats (because they simply don’t get it and never will), but i felt compelled to respond to these current round of attacks based solely on protecting my own freedom to express myself as an artist.
what’s next on the politically correct NGLTF agenda ?
will all drag queens be boycotted because we’re not really women ?
will lesbians be brow beaten into wearing more feminine clothing ?
will white rappers be protested until they start talking like real white people ?
will brunettes be blacklisted because blond isn’t their natural hair color ?
rupaul charles
Posted by Ru
Sunday, November 03, 2002
at Sunday, November 03, 2002 | Permalink
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