Sunday, November 10, 2002
yesterday, when the police officer asked me for my license and registration, i had already resigned myself to the fact that i would receive a traffic ticket, because i had indeed made a vehicular boo boo. the surprise came when he looked at the name on my drivers license and asked me if i was “the rupaul”. i said yes, and he let me go. ironically, just one hour prior to that encounter with the law, i told a passenger in my car that had i been smart, i would have used a made-up name for my professional life, to maintain some degree of anonymity in my personal life. in 1989, when i was REALLY boozing it up, i would insist that people call me “cupcake”, and by 2:am when i was fully crunked, i would demand that people refer to me as “bianca dinkins”, the illegitimate daughter of new york mayor david dinkins. after what happened yesterday, i’m happy to use the name that my mama gave me, if only i can get folks to stop thinking that my last name is paul.
Posted by Ru
Sunday, November 10, 2002
at Sunday, November 10, 2002 | Permalink
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