Wednesday, November 20, 2002
early monday evening, this brilliant singular sensation called me up and summoned me down to oceanway studios to do some background vocals on a track for her upcoming album. being at oceanway studios brought back memories of ***the night i was visited by a ghost in my suite at the CHATEAU MARMONT.
after the session, i went over to the ARCLIGHT THEATERS for an album signing by the 70’s SUPREMES. they were all there, SHERRIE PAYNE, JEAN TERRELL, CINDY BIRDSONG, LINDA LAWRENCE and SUSAYE GREENE, all except for MARY WILSON. the event was in conjunction with a local radio station for the just released anthology album, and there was a huge turn-out.
later that night, me, TAZ and ARI went to PEANUTS for the drag show that, unbeknownst to me, was a tribute in my honor as a birthday present. i was thrilled and truly touched. RAJA did a rupaul impersonation that was flawless.
at 2:30 a.m. we drove up to mulholland dr. to watch the meteor shower that streaked the skies of southern california. it was spectacular !
*** i’d returned to the hotel after a long day of recording a song at oceanway for the ADDAMS FAMILY VALUES soundtrack. upon entering my suite, i noticed a strange feeling but paid it no mind because i was so exhausted. that morning when the phone rang, i reached for it on the night stand but it wasn’t there, it was laying on the bed beside me along with a bottle of water, a tape recorder, a note pad and pen, my cigarettes, a lighter, an ashtray and a book. it was as though someone had outlined my body using the items on the night stand, while trapping me under the covers. i didn’t freak out, i just phoned the concierge and he said that they have occurrences at least once a week.
Posted by Ru
Wednesday, November 20, 2002
at Wednesday, November 20, 2002 | Permalink
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