Monday, November 25, 2002
it’s with cautious trepidation that i dare mention the funk that i’ve been in this past weekend, for fear that i’ll get a ton of letters (with a concerned tone) saying “oh, honey...you have nothing to be down about”. my reply to that would be...fuck off, ass bag ! too bad i can’t blog about what i’m really feeling, but that’s what i have a therapist for. although, i was pleasantly encouraged to tell it like it T-I-IS by the blog i read yesterday. it belongs to gay pornstar JEFF PALMER , who i ran into at CHICHI’s birthday bash last week. on his web site, he writes about his outrageous sexcapades with a devil may care attitude. all the juicy details are left in to leave nothing to the imagination. after reading his weblog, i caught myself fantasizing about what it must be like to be so uninhibited...well, maybe not AS uninhibited as JEFF, but a fraction. can you fathom the concept of doing whatever you felt like doing, without caring what people might say ?
Posted by Ru
Monday, November 25, 2002
at Monday, November 25, 2002 | Permalink
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