Monday, November 11, 2002
i had so much fun today ! what a blast ! it all started at ALLEE WILLIS' birthday party at her house. she invited twenty friends over to celebrate, and it turned out to be an artistic meeting of the minds. guests included me and TOM, STEPHEN BRAY , RICK NOWELS, BRENDA RUSSELL, KATEY SAGAL, PAUL REUBENS , BUD CORT , JANE WAGNER and LILY TOMLIN. every time i get to be in the company of MISS TOMLIN, i work real hard to keep my composure, as not to scare her to death. if she knew how much i live for her, she would be very afraid. the movies BIG BUSINESS, ALL OF ME, NINE TO FIVE and the american masterpiece NASHVILLE, are all reasons to have a national holiday named in her honor (not to mention her one woman shows). i was also very excited to meet RICK NOWELS for the first time, having long been a huge fan of his music.
after we left the birthday party, we met up with TAZ and drove down to the city of COMMERCE where i was one of twelve judges at the QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE pageant. in a word ? TRANSEXUALISTIC ! the show started at 8:pm and was over by midnight. MISS THAILAND won the crown, but i thought for sure it would go to MISS SINGAPORE, who was an absolute knockout ! we capped the evening off by having BLT's at the HOUSE OF PIE'S.
Posted by Ru
Monday, November 11, 2002
at Monday, November 11, 2002 | Permalink
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