Monday, August 19, 2002
Dear Ru,
This is Rob again, you don't know how excited I was to receive your email. I don't know if someone else reads your mail and responds cause not many big names do that especially big names like you, well for a while here im going to assume in talking with The Bitch herself, RuPaul J/K :). I have a proposition for you. I ask not of your money but of your talent. I have this poem that I wrote a while ago and I have always wanted it to be a song. It's called "Chicken Pot Pie." I dont know how you feel about Chicken Pot Pie, or harmony work but thats what this calls for. When I wrote this I wanted it to be sung and the parts in parenthisis to be sung by big fat black gospal singers, I find when I hear and see these kinds of people sing, it is a real feel good vibe i get off it. I dont use the term "black" as a racial dis (just be so your aware.) Anyway, you could add a chores and a great dance beat and this could be the song for the new Melenium, (we still dont have a great song.) I would be honored if you would sing my song, and I think it would help your career, not that it can get any better, cause I got to tell you, your doin mighty fine. Print this and think about it. Here it is, feel free to add to it or whatever, I ask nothing in return for it, but you to sing it. This could make you millions just make a great beat! like you always do. Here it is.
Chicken Pot Pie
Chicken (Chicken) in my (Pot Pie) Pot Pie.
I woke up in the morning to get some pie!
Then I thought I seen, a thigh!
It's Chicken (Chicken Pot Pie! Pot Pie!)
After I ate my Pot-Pie.
I knew that I would not-die.
Cause It's Chicken; Chicken Pot Pie (Pot Pie!)
(Chicken Pot Pie!) In my eye
So I sighed, and went to buy some more (Chicken Pot Pie!)
So I strolled down da the road, to look for a book
'bout (Chicken Pot Pie!)
All the people I seen were all mean, so I said "Don't look at me! Before I break out (Chicken Pot Pie!)
Fast as lightning, strong as Popie,
Everyone wants some of my Pot Pie!
(Chicken!) Chicken Pot Pie (Pot Pie!)
Bye the way what kind of music do you listen to?
Do you like Michael Jackson, Cher, Madonna, Prince, George Michael, Savage Garden, or Alanis Moreiset?
Well peice out Ru.
Posted by Ru
Monday, August 19, 2002
at Monday, August 19, 2002 | Permalink
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