Monday, August 12, 2002
my lil’ sister ROZY had a tea party at her house on saturday and it was alot of fun. it seemed like old times, what with me and ROZY’S decorator friend “EVER” being the only men at the party. it was always that way when i was growing up, i’d be the only boy in a room full of girls. EVER put together the table decorations and really made the whole event special. all the women wore hats and flowery dresses and gloves. in fact, all three of my sisters looked like the way THE POINTER SISTERS used to dress back in the early 70’s when they used to wear vintage clothing. i wore my MATLOCK seersucker suit with a tie. it was also pretty funny when RENETTA and i went to the supermarket, and i’m sure some people mistook us for a couple of JEHOVAH’S WITNESS’. now, i can’t wait to have a tea party at my house.
sunday i went to a TUPPERWARE party given by BRETT FREEDMAN. his tupperware lady was a hoot and a half ! she goes by the name of DIXIE LONGATE and boy does she put on a presentation ! i ended up ordering a three piece classic bowl set and a one gallon pitcher. i really wanted to order it all. click here for DIXIE'S WEBSITE.
i can’t believe it took me twenty years to finally see VISION QUEST, especially since i’m MATTHEW MODINE’S number one fan. the movie is chock full of homo- erotic references that continue to have me wetting my underpants.
last night’s THE ANNA NICOLE SHOW was very disturbing. aside from the bad acting job she displayed while giving the ashes of her late husband a tour of her new home and the upsetting game of VW PUNCH, the gay that she hired to decorate her crib really took the prize. he is to interior design, what DON KING is to the world of boxing. i watched the show last night in the company of some other gays, and some of the comments in the room were “he’s set gay people back twenty years” and “if he says LUXURIOUS one more time, i’m going to eat my own vomit”. i think her lawyer HOWARD K. STERN is a real hottie. it was funny seeing him with ANNA’S lipstick print on his cheek the whole episode. he looked like the puppy who ate the chocolate cake. by the way, does he have any other clients ? i guess after that big check comes in, he won’t need any other clients.
Posted by Ru
Monday, August 12, 2002
at Monday, August 12, 2002 | Permalink
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