Thursday, August 08, 2002
yesterday, i was totally bummed because my plans to see the DOLLY PARTON concert had fallen through. i started to feel that any chance i would ever have of seeing her in person was jinxed, especially since this rare tour would be her first in ten years and possibly her last for quite some time. technically i had seen her once, when i was on stage performing at a big hollywood charity event and she was in the audience. i had also interviewed her once via telephone for the radio show i used to do with michelle visage in new york city, but i’ve never had the opportunity to see her perform or meet her in person. in fact, i’ve had the pleasure of meeting all of the stars that i looked up to when i was a kid, all except for dolly parton. when i was about 13 years old, my sister RENETTA had an eight track tape of dolly’s music and i fell i love with it. it was my first introduction to country music and i’ve been a fan of dolly and of country music ever since. if you were to strip away all the glitz and paint and powder from dolly, you’d still have a musical genius with the voice of an angel. and with over 3000 songs written and copyrighted to her credit, no one can even come close to her achievements and talent.
so yesterday at about 5:p.m, i got a call from my friend TOM telling me that his boyfriend had somehow wrangled up some tickets for us to see dolly parton at the HOUSE OF BLUES on sunset blvd. oh my dear lord!!! i finally stopped screaming after about 10 minutes. we then made plans to meet at my house and then rendezvous over to the concert . dolly took the stage at about 9:p.m. and it nearly caused a riot in the audience. everyone was so genuinely happy and excited to see her. she looked stunning in a sparkling pink, off the shoulder dress that looked like it came directly from out of my closet. wow ! what a knock out !!! she talked to the crowd and told jokes, but at it’s core her show was all about the music. i don’t have the words to describe how beautiful the music sounded. with a voice like honey, her concert was far beyond any expectation i could have ever had. she did an hour and thirty minute show that spanned the highlights of her 45 year career in show business. from masterpieces like NINE TO FIVE, JOLENE, SMOKY MOUNTAIN MEMORIES and ISLANDS IN THE STREAM to her current album HALOS AND HORNS, dolly and her band kept the house rock-notized. i was in hog heaven. after the show, we were speechless. without having to even say it, we acknowledged that we had witnessed a phenomenon from tennessee.
this morning at 9:30 a.m. i got a call from michelle visage telling me to get down to her radio station because dolly is in the house. i live five minutes away from the station so i brushed my teeth, threw on the clothes i wore last night and hightailed it over there. i said “hi dolly, i’m rupaul” she said “well of course you are!” we talked only for a few minutes, but it was awesome ! we took one picture with her camera and one with mine. in that moment, my dream had come true. i finally got to meet dolly parton, thus fulfilling my quest to look into the eyes of all my heroes. she was the last one on my list.
Posted by Ru
Thursday, August 08, 2002
at Thursday, August 08, 2002 | Permalink
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