Monday, July 22, 2002
i’ve just rediscovered the fantastic and grossly overlooked album that rod stewart released a little over a year ago called HUMAN. it was one of my top five albums of 2001. it really upset me that something so great could be so ignored. you could probably pick it up at a used cd store for very little money. shortly after it bombed, warner bros. dropped him from their roster. hey, does anybody remember the urban legend about rod stewart ?
Dear Rupaul,
I am such a huge fan of your work. You bring so much
warmth, humor, sex and power to everything you set out
to accomplish. I was very eager to check out your
all-time favorite male porn stars. LOL. It seems your
#7 choice, Colby Taylor, is also my #1 choice. I met
him sometime back in 2000. He is very charming and
actually really kindhearted, gentle and warm! Anyhoo,
i am writing to you after seeing your appearance on
The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn. I loved you, of
course! But I feel Mr. Kilborn needs to get a few
facts in order, as well as, ease up on the homophobic
tendencies he displays often.
1. He introduced Ru as a cross-dresser. Wrong! You are
one of the world's leading Drag Queens.
2. Kilborn seemed very uneasy when you mentioned you
would write about him on your weblog. He instead
preferred that you "just skip over him."
3. Kilborn remained yet again uneasy, and slightly
grossed out when you mentioned your top male porn
stars. Hmm? If you were a young Hollywood heterosexual
male espousing yoru favorite female porn stars, well
then, i'm sure he would've had no qualms.
4. The Dennis Rodman-RuPaul "odd' characterization I
felt was totally unnecessary. What, does he figure
because you are queer and Rodman is wild, that
qualifies as odd?
5. Kilborn definitely became unnerved upon your
suggestion that he try out the tongue-action himself.
Ru, i would never try to take away from your amazing
guest appearance, but mr. Kilborn needs to lighten up!
We queers are all over the map in Los Angeles.
Keep on doing what you do best! I'll keep watching!
love and much respect,
Posted by Ru
Monday, July 22, 2002
at Monday, July 22, 2002 | Permalink
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