Monday, July 29, 2002
for years i’ve been trying to replace my old childhood memories of san diego with new ones, and i think i’ve succeeded in doing that with the trip i made down there this past saturday. it was gay pride weekend in “america’s finest city” and i had a gig at a club called MONTAGE. i wanted to make it an extravaganza, so i invited my friends tom trujillo (a very talented singer/songwriter) and raja (the best “rupaul” impersonator i’ve ever seen) to be my special guest stars. all seven of us arrived at my sister’s house, in the 30 ft. R.V. rented especially for this trip , just in time for lunch. renetta served tacos and rice and beans from the same restaurant that our father used to take us to thirty years ago. it was worth breaking my diet for. renetta lives in the house that i grew up in, so it was extra special that i got to share my past life with my new friends. our hotel was in the completely renovated downtown area. all the street names were the same, but i didn’t recognize any of the buildings. there were lots of loft spaces to live in, and tons of interesting eatery’s. it was definitely not the san diego that i remember. i can’t wait to tell my therapist about my breakthrough. you see because, for years i couldn't enter the city limits without getting nauseated. i’d cross the county line and i’d start to feel like i couldn’t breathe, but now i think that’s all over with. the show saturday night was a stone gas, honey! i had a wonderful time. the club was packed to the rafters and there wasn’t a moment that i didn’t feel love coming from the audience. my favorite part of the show was bringing my sisters renae and renetta, my niece morgan and my nephew scott up on stage with me. i almost started to cry, i was so happy. i totally feel a major shift happening in my emotional evolution, and that’s good. my next hurdle ? DATING.
five hours from now, joelle will be here to drive me to the hospital for my surgery. i’m gonna ask them to knock me out before they roll me down the hallway to the operating room. i think i would get scared if i had to be awake while they transported me. i’ll be in surgery today from 8:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. pacific standard time. please send me your love energy.
i’ll get joelle to post a status report on my weblog after my procedure, to let you know how everything went.
my next weblog post will probably be a week from now. i love you, ru.
Posted by Ru
Monday, July 29, 2002
at Monday, July 29, 2002 | Permalink
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