Friday, June 28, 2002
hi. My name is KLHK and I am from TX. I was just surfing the net and
somehow became misguided to your site. Anyways, I want to know
if you have met Prince or almost met Prince? What was he like?
Is he gay, I think he is completly undercover. Prince is hot like fire
and he definatly makes my coochie water, that's why i want to
stuff Prince's nut sack and testicles into my mouth and eagerly suck
them like a hungry infant sucking it's mothers titties or stick my finger
in Prince's ass, sniff the finger, and then submerge it into my mouth
and moan with pleasure. I also want to lick Prince's booty until
it's dripping with saliva. I know that's nasty but whatever!
Anyways, you look funny as a girl. Ain't you a proud gay man?
And didn't your one time character on that LL cool J show try to
put to rest the gay accusations? whatever!!!!!
the ultimate pimptress
your a vixen who's on a godamn wild fire of fabulous. I heard your back isn't so good and i just hope everything is going well on that front. Even though you have no idea who i am and you proabably don't give a fierce piece of fuck, i just wanted to say i love you. Not in the sense that i want to get in your pants with those model legs of yours, but in the sense that you helped my coming out and thank you!!! I live in alberta, the redneck capital of Canada. thanks to visiting your sight several times and the sight being left in the internet browser, my parents finally pulled the question i wanted to answer but was to scared to tell, "Are you gay aj?". my answer "Abs-a-fucking-lootly!". Things in my life are now great and HONEST finally! anways thanks so much, i love you and all the work you do for the community aka house of love.
Hi Ru!
I live in San Diego (the place you grew up in, and bashed for being such a craphole), and wanted to go to your July 27th concert at Club Montage. There's just a slightly HUGE problem.
While I can pay the $25 up front, the club is a 21 & up club. I'm 15. But I SWEAR I won't do drugs or drink (LOL!) I just wanna see you perform, because you're among my favorite artists.
The other issue that stands is that my mom doesn't have a car, and I'd have to get there with my uncle, who isn't gay or bi at all. (My mom isn't either, but she does know I like you.) I don't know how to tell him it's a GAY club if I end up going.
What do I do? Is there a way I can pay YOU up front, and you can get me in? I've emailed the club, and they seem extremely stubborn & don't answer all my questions, no matter how many times I ask. If you can get me in without having to bring my uncle, I can just come alone, and take a taxi home....but how much would I have to pay you for all that ? LiKe, ****
You are by far the best looking black woman I have ever seen, all side of you are perfect, your make up makes you irresistible, your lips i would kiss forever, and the extra long & curved blue nails you are wearing on your site are totaly sensual.
Unfortunatly ...for me, I am just a regular guy, business men traveling thru America, I am a french canadian from Montreal. I am not gay, but would willingly become to be with you... some people call you DIVA you are far more then this you are a Goddess!
I would like to meet you one day to admire your beauty...and if you happen to have extremely long and curved nails (luv them ghetto style nails)....I don't think I would be able to resist you, in fact I would divorce for a woman like you wearing them things....
dan x x x
I read recently that the spiritual meaning of back pain is that you "don't
feel supported" in your life. It really hit home with me, as I have dealt
with lower back pain for the last six months. I totally believe that
physical problems manifest because of spiritual conflicts.
It has helped me to identify some of my fears through journaling to better
understand why I don't feel supported right now. A daily practice of
writing, meditation, and yoga has really helped me.
Also, you say that your back doesn't hurt when you're performing. That's
because performing is where you feel the most confident and in control.
When I go clubbing with my friends on the weekend, I am able to dance like a
madman... it's because dancing causes me to feel free. I lose myself and
all my b.s. swimming around in my head falls away.
I send you prayers of healing. God bless...
Del Ray Zimmerman
Nashville, TN
hey, im ***** *******, 16, i doubt this will actually get to ya, but
its worth a shot huh?:) umm, im a BIG fan of yours, and have followed
your career for a couple years...i think youre so cool and so lucky to
be able to do what you want, how you want. Im not really gay, lol, i
know that sounds wierd, but its like i know a cute boy when i see one
and ill check him out if i see him at the mall or school or whatever,
but i also like girls. I dunno, i guess thats part of my problem, and
havin noone to talk to about it...thats prolly why im writin, cuz i
dont know who else to talk to about anything...Its like its sooooo bad
to be different...Its so confusing, cuz i know i got one side of me
sayin, "dont be gay, it aint right"...and i think thats why i may be
in denial over the whole thing...ill see a boy and be like, "he looks
good" to myself, but at the same time be like, "dont think
that..."...i have an older sister whose jus a lil smaller than me, so
ive "dressed" in her clothes when the house is empty for years...and
its frustrating...cuz im totally in the closet...so that hott boy in
gym class has no idea i think hez the hott boy in gym class :) and my
sis has no idea (i think...) that ive worn almost all her clothes...
I wish i had a mom that was as understanding as yours...but its all
good, other than this i cant complain bout my life...ive had it pretty
good i guess in comparison to how tough life could be for me
well, again, IF this ever gets to you, thanks for listenin to me
blab... : / ... atleast jus to let me know that i have actually
conversed with a celebrity :)
~*****, philadelphia
Dear Ru,
I'm very sorry to hear about your back trouble. I, myself, have to deal with the same back pain BS and it really interfered with my performing. I swear though, this all started because of a pair of what I thought were the most comfortable platform boots I'd ever worn! In fear that I would never find another pair of shoes like that again, I bought 2 more pairs so I'd have an emergency supply. My pain started in a dance class after about a 6 months of wearing those kickers non-stop and all of a sudden I had trouble breathing and walking...normal every day things. Lord knows, I didn't even think about putting on flats or a pair of tennis shoes.
That first round of pain hit me and knocked me out for weeks. I tried everything! Eventually I got used to the pain (that's a questionable statement!). Okay, I took a lot of pain killers and made many-a hollywood wife proud! One day, I found another pair of wonderful shoes, giving up my favorite boots and slowly (very slowly) I started to notice the pain decreasing and was able to ease up on the PK's. Soon I wasn't feeling any pain and was able to take long walks, resuming a normal life. 7 months ago I was going through my closet and found those boots packed away so I started wearing them again for winter. One week later I started to feel the same sciatic problems appear, so I immediately stopped wearing them and the pain is gone once again! I don't know if the secret to sciatic pain is bad shoes or what? But it's was too much of a coincidence for me to think differently about it. Maybe this helps, I don't know ! I just hope the pain lessens and you feel better.
As the creepy dominatrix lady from the movie Fetish once said to her sub..."Sometimes it hurts to be beautiful!"
Warmest regards,
Hi Ru-
I am a fan that has followed your career, bought your
music, and wish you were going to be at San Jose Pride
again this year. Anyway I suffered from sciatica for
over a year, due to a herniated disc, that got
progressively worse, draining my spirits. It was the
L4, and L5 discs. I had traction done, physical
therapy, massage, and 2 epiderial shots (ow!) After 2
MRI's, I finally pushed for surgery which is called a
micro-disectomy. I was 27 at the time and knew that it
had not improved in a year, only got worse and that I
have a lot more life to live! One year later I am
doing everything I did before the injury, and even ran
the entire Bay to Breakers last month in the rain.
Anyway I hope that your diagnosis becomes better and
check out this procedure. By the way, research
everything online, as I have found that many doctors
look at cost, and try to do everything to avoid going
to surgery. In my case, it only got worse, and after 3
referrals I told them they were going to slice me
whether they like it or not! Hang in there and just
know that some of your fans have experienced similar
pain. You have been an inspiration to me ( a recent
guy that has dealt with his sexuality, though I am
still closeted - you have givin me strength in your
ability to be who you are). There is always such
beauty in that. I listen to your music at the gym, as
it gets me more pumped up. Take care of those nerves
and that back!
Best, Kevin
Do you think the high heels contribute to the "relief" in a weird way?
Take my mom for example, even her house shoes have heels.
She says her back gives her too many problems when she wears flats.
I think it's because she has worn heels constantly throughout
her 66 years (she's the type to have the matching hat, bag and
shoes for church). I'm sure her back and calf muscles have contracted.
When she wears flats, the muscles are probably thrown out of alignment.
Just a thought. Rashunda
Posted by Ru
Friday, June 28, 2002
at Friday, June 28, 2002 | Permalink
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