Tuesday, May 28, 2002
Dear Rupaul:
I don´t know what happened to you here( in spain) but I have the feeling you get humilliated really easy. I live in Seville and I didn´t see your performance(if you can call two songs a performance). I saw you years ago in Salt Lake City and I wasn´t very happy with your attitude. Your Diva attitude does not correspond with a profesional person and you have to understand that nobody cares for you here, since you´re not even known or popular. Maybe if you would have come with a more humble attitude you could have opened market here. I repeat that I ignore what happened here that made you so unhappy but to blame it on the whole country seems a bit excessive. Maybe you really should think about retiring, it´s about time anyhow.......
Best Regards,
Mr. Baselga
retire ? and miss all the cunty SHe-mails i get from ignorant bitches like you from around the world ? no way ! i’ll stay in business if only to make your miserable life a living hell by being so goddamn flawless ! ...touch it, ...learn it, ...catch it!
my trip to madrid was not awful because of spain, but because of the business associates i got myself involved with. i should have known what was to come of our promo tour, when they didn’t want to pay for the car service to pick me up at my house in hollywood and deliver me to the airport.
either i’m starting to feel a little better or the combo of excedrin and aleve is a fucking miracle worker. my back problem has turned into an all encompassing nightmare, making it virtually impossible to sit at the computer to punch out a silly blog. ask someone who has survived extreme sciatica and they will tell you it’s no picnic. i’ve decided to attack the menace from all sides...ie...physical therapy, aroma therapy, psychotherapy, massage, yoga and pilates. i’ve even enlisted the help of a naturopathic m.d. called dr. linda. she has changed my diet to only raw and cooked vegetables, fruit, lean meat and buckets of water, as she feels the problem stems from my dirty little liver. AH ! LIFE OVER 40 ! WHAT A FUCKIN’ LAUGH RIOT !!! but don’t get it twisted, i worked real hard to pollute my body for the last 30 years. tomorrow, i get to back that ass up for a high colonic...see, there are some benefits to clean living!
Posted by Ru
Tuesday, May 28, 2002
at Tuesday, May 28, 2002 | Permalink
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