Tuesday, February 12, 2002
just got back from club vanity at the corner of hollywood blvd. and schrader blvd. it was a blast! jazzmun, kc and viva put the night together and they did a great job. i told them that if they needed me to do anything to get the night going, i’ll be there. hollywood needs something like that to make it more exciting. the club is called vynil every other night of the week and it’s an awesome space. there was this male go-go dancer there that turned my shit out. he wore these pants that were the nastiest pants i’ve ever seen. needless to say, i gave him all my money (i’m a sucker for...and of ...a big dick in a tight pair of pants). i also ran into niki haris (what a great name) at the club tonight. she was there with a bunch of other kids who worked on madukey’s world tour (kc did madoodoo’s make-up on the drowned squirrel tour). niki told me that she enjoyed working with me before and can’t wait to do it again. i told her that i will hold her to her word.
ps...as much as i would have loved to rag on demonna’s hbo show, i couldn’t because that shit blew me away.
i loved it endlessly.
Posted by Ru
Tuesday, February 12, 2002
at Tuesday, February 12, 2002 | Permalink
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