Thursday, February 07, 2002
my obsession with mariah carey has reached an all-time high, these past two weeks. i think it has to do with my need to rally around the underdog. i'm a nonconformist, almost to a fault. i'll do the complete opposite of what, seemingly, everybody else is doing. i know that obsessing over mariah doesn't seem like a punk rock political statement, but trust me, it's quite a statement in the circles i run around in. i started liking mariah about 5 years ago, when she changed her image from long island lolita to hoochie mama extraordinaire. there was something so desperate and so wrong about her behavior at that time, that i was naturally attracted to her. the best stars are always the fabulous messy ones. the ones who wear their vulnerability on the outside for all to see. mariah fits the bill. i used to hate her guts, because on the two occasions we met, she was so shady. first time was at the rock and roll hall of fame awards banquet in nyc. i was seated at elton john's table, he was being inducted that year. she was seated at a table with bruce springsteen and her then husband. when mariah saw me, she eagerly waved me over to her table. by the time i got there her enthusiasm had changed to coldness. she barely said hello. did i mistakenly assume she was waving at me? i think not. i felt like a fool, victimized by some high school practical joke. the next time i encountered lambykins was at a fashion show. we were seated one chair apart from each other and again, she acted as if i were smeared with dog shit. i thought to myself...fuck you...you high yellow bitch! fast forward many years later, i find myself in a mariah carey k-hole (a k-hole is blackout associated with the drug called special k or ketamine). i can't get enough of her. last night me and my friend watched her opening scene in SPITTER, over and over, again and again, howling. i've bought every album, remix and video she has ever put out. playing them constantly, even though it's starting to annoy the shit out of my loved ones. i don't know when it's going to stop. could this blog post be a cry for help?
Posted by Ru
Thursday, February 07, 2002
at Thursday, February 07, 2002 | Permalink
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