Thursday, January 24, 2002
years ago, i heard someone say that politicians were performers who didn't have enough talent to go into show business. that statement was made more true in my mind last night when i attended a west hollywood city council hearing. i was there, along with about a hundred others, to speak on behalf of club peanuts. apparently, the war between the club and the city of WEHO has been on going for over a decade. the current battle, and maybe the final victory for the city, is over the club's business license being revoked. this appeal was a last ditch effort to save the club from closing forever. before the council could get to our agenda, we had to sit through 2 hours of other crap like, the street light being out at the corner of huntley and melrose, citations being issued for the improper use of balloons outside of businesses on santa monica blvd. and the nutjob who claimed he had been sodomized at his home repeatedly while he slept and that nobody was doing anything about it. the most telling moment came when the city council issued a proclamation to GLORIA STEINEM , commemorating the 29th anniversary of ROE vs. WADE. the council members rushed down from their perch, almost knocking each other over, in order to get a good position for the photo op. that was the only time during the proceeding, that their faces weren't fixed in a smarmy, smug position.
i guess by now you can tell what i think of authority figures. i've always wondered, * what kind of person would want a job in politics ? all the best people for the job have sex and drugs in their background, which doesn't fly with our cultures puritan morals, so the public is left with these dull soulless self serving ghosts. you gotta be squeaky clean and unspookable to sit in any political office. and then they wonder why people don't vote. what could be going on, psychologically speaking, with a person who wants to be a cop? the same could be asked of a drag queen, but only a small percentage of my girlfriends carry loaded guns. and why are all the laws and city ordinances, written in a language that only lawyers can understand ? in los angeles, you gotta be a frickin' lawyer to understand a goddamned parking sign.
finally, the time came for our argument to be heard. my name was called and i stood up and stated my case in favor of the club. i talked about the increased security at the club, the new sound proofing and the diversity of the clientele which exemplifies WEHO. by the look on the mugs of the council members, i could tell they couldn't have cared less. their minds were already made up. i left there thinking...why did i waste my time in there ? what difference did i make ? then i remembered what my friend don norman said to me not so long ago. he said ...you're not only standing up so that THEY know you were there, you're standing up so that YOU know you were there ! don told me that faith without works is dead.
when i was a kid, i made the decision to remain comfortably numb. i never wanted to be part of what people called normal society. if i didn't like a law that was passed, i'd move to another city. but now that i have awaken, i find that i'm tried of running. so don't get it twisted motherfuckers. remember, it was some queens who were tired of running, that started THE GAY RIGHTS MOVEMENT . don't make me get all ROSA PARKS on yo ass.
* there are some cool people in public office, but i sure haven't met any of them yet.
Posted by Ru
Thursday, January 24, 2002
at Thursday, January 24, 2002 | Permalink
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