Friday, January 11, 2002
the driver picked us up at my house at noon and as usual, he asked us which route would we prefer traveling to the airport. there are three different ways to go and since it was midday, we felt that the traffic through downtown shouldn’t be too bad. we were wrong. the traffic was horrendous . as we sat there on the hollywood freeway not moving, i thought about how much better los angeles would be if the traffic nightmare were miraculously cured. i imagined double decker highways and bullet trains gliding down the freeway medians, moving people from silverlake to the santa monica piers in a matter of minutes . now that would be an l.a that i would be proud to call home. the more i thought about it, the madder i got and conspiracy theories straight out of the movie CHINATOWN popped into my head. i don’t know how true it is, but years ago i heard that california has more cars than all the other states combined. i'd like to believe it’s true.
the in-flight movie was AMERICA'S SWEETHEARTS, which we watched while dining on yummy delta airlines chicken dinners. i had seen the movie before, but couldn’t remember a thing about it , except that it was funny. we arrived in atlanta after a relatively short flight. i love hartsfield airport. in the mid-eighties, me and my friends would catch the marta train down to the airport after an all night binge, just to watch people and get to lost in the massive purgatory. the airport used to be fun if you didn’t have to catch a plane. tonight, we had two hours to kill before our flight to knoxville. so after catching up at the newsstand, a cinnabon was in order. the man behind the cinnabon counter recognized me and asked if i was home visiting or just passing through. i told him that i was on my way to tennessee to do a show. he then told me that my baked goods ( baked evils ) were on the house. it makes me feel good to think that people in atlanta remember me as one of their own.
the only rotten thing about atlanta’s hartsfield airport was that all the television sets were tuned to some stinkin’ sports channel with the volume turned way too high. not one set was tuned to LIFETIME, television for womens. i think it’s another fucking conspiracy. the same one that makes it ok for women to wear bikini swimsuits, but not men. men always have those big fucking boxer swim trunks and i think it sucks! i wanna see some ass, and i wanna see some dick.
Posted by Ru
Friday, January 11, 2002
at Friday, January 11, 2002 | Permalink
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