Thursday, January 03, 2002
based on the e-mails i've gotten since the new site has been up and running, here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Q- do you personally answer the e-mails or does one of your hundreds of staff members do it?
A- i read every SHe-mail that comes to the site. if you get a response from me, then it was written and sent by me. my "staff" consist of one person, and she has better things to do than answer my SHe-mails.
Q- do you visit chat rooms ?
A- i have visited the mens room and i have visited the womens room, but i have never visited a chat room. i don't have the patience for it. plus, i can only type with one finger ( i won't say which one ). and if i did visit a chat room, i wouldn't sign on with my real name, duh.
Q- do you sign and send autograph pictures ?
A- yes ! but, only through the "ru-tique" here on the site.
Q- would you "date" a member of your fan club?
A- i'll do anything for fifty bucks ! ( just kidding...sort of ). it's weird because drag for me now is just work, it's not my lifestyle. years ago,back in the day, before i became "well known", i would be in drag and get "crunked up" and blow some guy on the dancefloor or bring some "drunken troll" home just for kicks. basically, i was a mess in a dress! whatever i was "high" on would wear off and the situation would quickly turn pear - shaped ! yuck ! make up everywhere and wig all cock - eyed ? no thank you ! today, if i wanna throw down with a nigga, i sho' ain't gonna be the one in drag. but don't get me wrong, it do be some fine ass, sexy motherfuckers be sending me they picture to my website and shit. and they sometimes make me wanna throw on a "pussycat wig and some high-heel slippers" and say ...." word up, motherfucker, you got some money for me ?!!!"
Q- do you give make up and beauty tips or "first time in drag" tips ?
A- i ain't got time for that shit, y'all ! that's why i wrote the damn book, baby! "lettin it all hang out" is available in the "ru-tique".
Q- do you have breast implants ? sex change ?
A- no, but i have had a full frontal lobotomy.
Posted by Ru
Thursday, January 03, 2002
at Thursday, January 03, 2002 | Permalink
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