Sunday, January 20, 2002
from 1983 until 1985, i was homeless, slacking around and partying my ass off. so it's easy to see why i missed the molly ringwald trilogy. in fact, i missed alot of mainstream culture around that time. also, part of my aversion to those high school movies was the fact that the hideous memories of my academic years were still vividly fresh in my head. i hated school. recently i decided that i could now watch those films and not slit my wrists. so tonight i rented THE BREAKFAST CLUB. i loved it ! anthony michael hall was my favorite. i cried when he told why he was sent to the breakfast club. molly ringwald's lips are pure porno. and i've never thought of emilio estevez as sexy, until this movie. his jeans can barely contain all that cheddar. next up, SIXTEEN CANDLES.
Posted by Ru
Sunday, January 20, 2002
at Sunday, January 20, 2002 | Permalink
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